Channel: PapadakisRacing
Category: Autos & Vehicles
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Description: Get over 60% off the Kove Commuter 2 here: Code PAPA60 (Discount subject/free US shipping to change after April 27th) FOLLOW ME: Borg Warner Turbocharger: Song I play on the Commuter 2: Song Credit: Nytrix "Until The Edge" (Copyright free music provided by New Noise) Stream it on YouTube here: Stream it on Spotify here: Support the artist here: Nytrix Facebook: Nytrix Soundcloud: Supra Engine Teardown: Engine Build Playlist: T-Shirt and Titanium keychains: **** ABOUT PAPADAKIS RACING: The Papadakis Racing team began drifting in 2004 and is the most winning team in Formula Drift history, earning the 2015 title with driver Fredric Aasbo, as well as backto back championship titles with driver Tanner Foust in 2007 and 2008. The Rockstar Energy Drink / Nexen Tire Toyota Corolla Hatchback is the latest competition build from the Hawthorne, California, based team. Team owner Stephan Papadakis is a legend of sport compact racing who began building his reputation in the 1990s with the first front-wheel drive, tube-chassis drag car in the U.S. The team earned multiple records and championships in the discipline, turning in elapsed times and trap speeds previously thought unattainable in front-drive drag cars. Papadakis' successes in front-wheel drive were matched by his efforts in rear-wheel drive when he campaigned a Honda Civic that became just the fifth car to join the NHRA's Sport Compact 200 MPH club