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Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve - Ukulele Tutorial

Duration: 14:18Views: 1.3KLikes: 59Date Created: Apr, 2022

Channel: TenThumbs Productions

Category: Music

Tags: easy beginner bitter sweet symphony ukulele tutorial90s music ukulele tutorialukulelebitter sweet symphony ukulele tutorialbitter sweet symphony ukulele tabs90s music ukulele tabsukulele tutorial90s musicverve ukulele tutorials with tabsthe vervethe verve riff ukulele tabthe verve ukulele lessonradio version bitter sweet symphony ukulele tutorialbitter sweet symphony riff ukulele tutorialhow to play bitter sweet symphony by the verve on the ukulele

Description: New Ukulele Tutorials every Wednesday and Saturday, subscribe and learn. Today's ukulele tutorial is the song "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve. Because the song is in the key of E and it is not a very easy chord to play on the ukulele I did two versions in the tutorial, on in the key of E so you can play along with the original recording and another on in the key of D so you can play and it sing it a little bit easier. The song is just a two bar loop that repeats throughout the entire song so in addition to teaching you how to play it and how it strum it I will also teach you the principal riff as well and even how to play the melody on the ukulele. The version in the key of D is also a complete tutorial with the principal riff, the melody in tabs for the ukulele and the chords and strum pattern as well. The song doesn't actually have a strum pattern but it has a very interesting rhythm with the snare and that is what I built the strum pattern off of. Both a complete radio version tutorial and an easy beginner ukulele tutorial version with full tabs, riff and melody tabbed out for the ukulele. Tabs - patreon.com/TenThumbsPro 1-1 - tenthumbsproductions@gmail.com. Facebook - facebook.com/tenthumbsproductions Instagram - instagram.com/tenthumbspro/?hl=en #TenThumbs #RockUkulele #90sUkulele Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve - Ukulele Tutorial

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