Channel: Zebra Corner
Category: Comedy
Tags: chevy2017 chevy truckabove the influenceif commercials were honestford 150above the influence commercialfordchevy silverado2017 ford truck2018 chevy truckford f-250ford f-150new chevy trucknew ford truckstoner sloth2018 ford trucksatireif real people commerrcials were real life
Description: Start protecting your internet experience today with 77% off a 3 year plan by using code ‘MAHK’ at If it's one type of commercial we hate other than "real people" commercials it's anti-drug commercials, especially anti-marijuana ads. On this very special day we go after two popular anti-pot ads. The first, Stoner Sloth, a series of anti-pot commercials that gained internet popularity a few years ago because of how weird they were. The second a very popular anti-pot commercial involving a flattened stoned little girl. Both use hyperbole to the extreme to the point where the viewer asks, "where can I get some good shit like that?" Twitter: @im_Mahk, @Ali_ZebraCorner IG: @im_Mahk, @Ali_ZebraCorner Snap: @Ali_ZebraCorner -Credits- contributing writers: @Zactownsend_ @Kyle_Ruse @JamesBaileyhaha Huge shoutout to Mr. Remix for the outro song. Click here for the full song: If you want extras like early access, outtakes, longer cuts, alternate jokes and even your own personal Mahk. Go to This is a parody Original commercials for reference: Stoner Sloth - Flat -