Channel: VisualPolitik EN
Category: News & Politics
Tags: the citystock investmentcayman islandscanary wharfenglishfinancial centerslearning financevisualpolitikvirgin islandsvalue investingthe city of londonstock exchangebrexit
Description: Join the VisualPolitik community and support us on Patreon: It was said that Brexit would mark a turning point for the City. That London would cease to be the great financial capital of Europe. That job losses and the relocation of entities to the continent would become the new normal. We were told that cities like Frankfurt, Paris or Amsterdam would become the new kings of European finance. Even Madrid set up its own office to attract financial institutions from London. However, one year after Brexit, things look very different. So much so that, along with our friends at Value School, we have been asking a few questions: What influence does the City really have in the world's major financial centers? Is the city as threatened as its critics claim? Why is London, along with New York, the great financial capital of the world?