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How to Memorize Pi - Easiest Way Possible (Video 4)

Duration: 05:46Views: 5.8KLikes: 85Date Created: Feb, 2017

Channel: Memorize Academy

Category: Education

Tags: how to memorise pimemorize academymemorise pimemorisememorize pihow to memorize 10x fasterhow to memorizewhiteboard animation memory coachkyle buchananhow to memorize pihow to memorize fast and easilyhow to rememberhow to learnmemorization techniquesmemorizestudy skillshow to studyhow to memorize numbers

Description: How to memorize pi 10X faster - Video 4. Decimals 61 to 80. Learn pi to 80 decimals faster than you ever imagined possible! Summary below. For more best-practice memorization techniques and one-of-a-kind video training, visit memorize.academy Join Memorize Academy on Facebook at facebook.com/MemorizeAcademy ___________ SUMMARY: ------------------ Visualization and association are the keys to super-effective memorization. To remember and recall pi, you can transform numbers into images by picturing objects that rhyme with the related digit. Connect the mental images with a story. [3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944] 59230781640628620899 At the end of Video 3, a wild boar was given a surprise by a door. The door bounced on a diving board and took a dive. It dove into a pool filled with wine. When it came back to the surface, it was a screw. The screw was pulled from the wine by a bee. The bee went for a swim too and was rescued by a hero. The hero took the bee to heaven. The pearly gates were pushed over by a plate. The plate decided to go for a run. In the middle of the run it started raining bricks. The bricks pulled out weapons and began a war. The war was stopped by a hero. The hero started doing some magic tricks. His final trick was to reveal a large shoe. The shoe went for a ride on a skate. The skate almost crashed into some colorful chicks. The scared chicks all turned blue. One of the blue chicks transformed into a hero. The hero began lifting a large weight. Out of nowhere the weight was grabbed by a vine. The vine crashed into a stop sign.

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