Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Category: Education
Tags: practicepassagenot givestudentsentencesquestionsielts learning readingdescriptionband 9bodyparagraphsexplanationpapersspeedexamplevocabularyteacheracademicskillintrolist of headingstiptutorialfreetypesreadquestionielts generallearnfalseunderstandlessonline graph description ieltsreadingfluencymultiple choicesamplesectionsmaterialielts passage explanationstruestrategyenglish examinationparagraph completion
Description: An IELTS academic reading by This video is an example of an academic IELTS reading section with question strategies and techniques to practice before and follow during the IELTS exam. It teaches important concepts for the IELTS reading section. Follow us on Facebook at This video will teach you the skills that will help you to reach success on different question types in the 20-minute time limit. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to practice. It is important to try different types of question for the reading, so you can think quickly and logically. Practice will help with the speed and comprehension of reading. Enjoy. Twitter @aehelp