Channel: Ezekiel Alay
Category: Gaming
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Description: Decent stats, single hit, but can freeze red enemies. True form increases freeze time and decreases it's cost so it can be spammed more easily. Funny looking :o ►►► Enjoy the video? Subscribe! ◄◄◄ Evil Cat (Rare Cat) Evil Cat is a Rare Cat that can be unlocked by chance when beating any stage of Ritual Happiness. Stop status inflicting variant of Zombie Cat. True Form decreases its cost and increases its chance to stop Red enemies. Cat Evolves into Gentleman Cat at level 10. Evolves into Gentleman Bros at level 20 when True Form is unlocked. Pros: Able to stop movement of Red enemies. Moderate health. Decent attack power. True form has a low cost. Cons: Single target. Slow movement speed. Description English Version Normal: Hides his weakness by wearing the mask of the demon. Might stop Red enemies. Evolved: A very well clothed cat. Until... Just call the Police. Might stop Red enemies. True: A gentleman's agreement makes life easier for everyone. But whoever's on bottom has it worse. Might stop Red, less cost to deploy! Cost Normal/Evolved form Chapter 1: $750 Chapter 2: $1125 Chapter 3: $1500 True Form Chapter 1: $250 Chapter 2: $375 Chapter 3: $500 Appearance Normal Form: Wears a red demonic oni mask of the variety parents and other caregivers wear during Setsubun, a Japanese festival where small children chase the "demon" down by pelting it with soybeans. This cat is also clad in straw and duel-wields knives. It attacks by slicing the enemy. Evolved Form: Is a bit taller and has lost the mask in favour of a suspicious yellow trench coat of the type synonymous with flashers. Attacks by exposing himself to the enemy. Surprisingly (and thankfully) there is nothing much to show. True Form: Looks very similar to the evolved form whilst moving, but to attack, opens his trenchcoat to expose... a stack of two smaller cats atop one another. Trivia The unusual Japanese name for Evil Cat references the title of Natsume Sōseki's famous novel I Am a Cat. The personal pronoun employed in the title is deemed pompous and almost exclusively used in 'cat speech' in the modern era. This is one of the few Cats that becomes cheap when its true form is unlocked.