Channel: King Crocoduck
Category: Education
Tags: creationismkent hovindatheismevolutioncosmosbig bangreligiondebateyoung earthscienceuniversepseudosciencetheoryking crocoduck
Description: I got in touch with the infamous young earth creationist, Kent Hovind, and agreed to have a 2 hour debate on the following topics: -The age of the universe -The Big Bang theory -Stellar Evolution -Radiometric Dating -The Speed of Light He told me to prepare an opening statement, I told him to prepare his, and that basically occupies the first 28 minutes of the debate. The rest is more of an actual argument. There was a bit of a fuckup with my router near the end of my opening statement, and I cut it out in order to spare you the pain of having to deal with technical difficulties. Nothing else has been modified, as can be verified by comparing it to the other two copies of this debate on YouTube: Our wonderful moderator, Steve McRae: My opponent, Kent Hovind: Other than that and a few slip-ups where I accidentally said “light year” instead of “year,” I think it went pretty well. My Twitter- My Alternate Channel- My Patreon-