Channel: PrepMedic
Category: Education
Tags: flight paramedicswatswat medicmedadmintactical medicadministrationmedicationnursingmedemttactical paramedicdo it yourselfflight medicflight nursediyparamedicnurseswat paramedicmake it yourselfgear
Description: Austere medicine oftentimes requires creative solutions to simple problems that standard healthcare facilities do not face. This device is a quick and simple device that allows critical care/prehospital nurses and paramedics to organize medications that are drawn up in preparation for administration. The aseptic nature of this device is not known and anyone thinking about using it should understand the risks involved. *This video is for informational/entertainment purposes only and discusses a hypothetical DIY device. I do not claim to use this during my professional duties and do not endorse it. Health care professionals must ensure they follow their own company standards at all times*