Channel: FACEROBICS® - Your Face Exercise Coach
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: gua sha lifting treatmentgua sha facial massage techniquesfacial gua shaface yogahow to use the guashagua sha facial tutorialgua sha jawlinefacial exercisegua sha acupressuregua shagua sha jowlsgua sha double chingua sha massageface exercisesgua sha - how to use the gua shahow to gua sha neckface massagefacerobicsgua sha facial massagejade gua sha facial massagefacerobics face exercisegua sha routinesguasha facial massage
Description: Gua Sha, How to use the Gua Sha. Watch this video to learn techniques on how to use the Gua Sha. This wonderful device, with regular use will smooth out and soften wrinkles. #guasha #wrinkles #facerobics Welcome to FACEROBICS® - Your Face Exercise Coach! Peta Prior is Australia’s leading facial and body exercise coach and author, and founder of the Facerobics® and Flexerobics® programs. Join Facerobics® Face Exercise Gym - Renew Me Skincare Products - Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved Please note, you may not reproduce in whole or part of the FACEROBICS® Exercises and FACEROBICS® 5 Principles, without prior written approval from RENEW ME (AUST) PTY LTD in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and USA Copyright Act 1976. NOTE this also applies to YouTube Copyright & Trademark Infringement Policies RENEW ME®, FACEROBICS® and FLEXEROBICS® are REGISTERED TRADEMARKS owned by RENEW ME (AUST) PTY LTD Disclaimer: This video is not intended to offer professional Medical, Dietary or Mental Health advice. If you are suffering from any Medical, Dietary or Mental Health concerns please seek professional advice.