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Has The Dooo Finally Met His Match? Omegle x Twitch!

Duration: 17:08Views: 110.6KLikes: 5.4KDate Created: Apr, 2021

Channel: DragonForce

Category: Music

Tags: fundraiseromegle trollingomegle girlsomegle prankomegle funnydragonforcefundraisingfunny omegle momentsthedoooshredguitar solothe dooo reactiondragonforce reactiondragonforce through the fire and flamesdragonforce liveomegledavie504the dooothe dooo guitarmemes 2021memes 2020herman limemeshot girls omegleshred collabguitar on omeglejason beckerthrough the fire and flamesmcnastyplaying guitar on omegleomegle funny moments

Description: DragonForce guitarist @Herman Li have found @TheDooo his perfect match for a collab live for the @Jason Becker Fundraiser! Who wants to see a Herman Li Omegle video? More on The Dooo's video: youtu.be/NM7baCuDetU Subscribe to @TheDooo Watch the full livestream on Twitch & donate: bit.ly/3mgGLSM Jason Becker ► jasonbecker.com Donate to The Jason Becker Special Needs Trust ► bit.ly/3remVtN Jason Becker Reverb Store ► reverb.com/shop/jason-becker-shop All proceeds will benefit Jason Becker in his battle against ALS for over 30 years. ALS: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. There is no cure. Backing Tracks: @N&MCreation @Sebastien Zunino #dragonforce #hermanli #thedooo #jasonbecker #shredforjasonbecker SUBSCRIBE ► youtube.com/c/dragonforce?sub_confirmation=1 ENABLE ► Notification FOLLOW ► @HermanLi on Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, Cameo and Discord FOLLOW ► @DragonForce on Twitter and @DragonForcHQ on Instagram Catch Herman Li Twitch livestreams, Monday - Friday for more epic live reaction video, guitar playthrough, video gaming, guitar reviews, gear reviews, special guest sessions and more! ► twitch.tv/hermanli Get your Herman Li shout out to friends ► cameo.com/hermanli ______________ IN THIS VIDEO HERMAN LI LIVESTREAM SETUP Herman’s insane $300 hairbrush bit.ly/2ZNz7UO Strings – D’Addario NYXL amzn.to/3gyTjR4 D'Addario Guitar Picks amzn.to/3hu93p5 Guitar Maintenance Kit amzn.to/2JyAcf2 Lewitt Microphone amzn.to/2PyDT3W Mission Expression Pedal amzn.to/2O0GfYz Morley 20/20 Wah amzn.to/2VUnF8R Kemper Profiler bit.ly/2VWcDQC Kemper Rack bit.ly/2Di6LKX MIDI Pedalboard amzn.to/3feqpEQ Sound Card bit.ly/3f71ML8 PC Keyboard amzn.to/3gB7BAC Mouse amzn.to/2EfGA8c WebCam (main) amzn.to/2ZGHxO0 WebCam (side) amzn.to/2Dhz38o Stream Deck amzn.to/2ZEUW98 Ferrari Dog Bed amzn.to/2BJvWpi LIVESTREAM GUITAR COLLECTION Caparison Horus Custom Line bit.ly/2ZNoktO Caparison Dellinger MC 6 string bit.ly/3f5mQll Caparison Dellinger MC 7 string bit.ly/2DhYczR Dean Exile Select amzn.to/2VUfOIl Dean MAB USA Guitar (discontinued) bit.ly/2Z48nAd Ernie Ball Music Man Majesty 6 string amzn.to/32HJX1Y Ernie Ball Music Man Majesty 7 string amzn.to/3iAm1Ty ESP Horizon-III White amzn.to/2VUuxD9 ESP Horizon-III Black amzn.to/2BzN8xz ESP LTD SH-7 Head with Evertune amzn.to/31RHXDC ESP Maverick 27 Fret (Japan only) bit.ly/31Y1pi2 Fender Strat powered by Roland Synth (discontinued) bit.ly/3iERZ0O Fender Strat with Roland MIDI (discontinued) search Reverb reverb.grsm.io/dragonforce Ibanez RG Genesis Desert Yellow amzn.to/2VV4Ked Ibanez RG Genesis Purple Neon bit.ly/3gzlXlm Ibanez Herman Li EGEN18 Purple (discontinued) search Reverb reverb.grsm.io/dragonforce Ibanez Herman Li EGEN18 Natural (discontinued) try EGEN8 on Ebay bit.ly/2ZKsMcY Ibanez Herman Li EGEN18 Orange (discontinued) buy on Reverb reverb.grsm.io/egen Ibanez Herman Li EGEN18 Orange Gloss (custom) buy on Reverb - reverb.grsm.io/egen Ibanez Herman Li EGEN USA Custom 7 string in Chameleon Violet (one-of-a-kind) Ibanez Joe Satriani Chrome Boy 30th amzn.to/2VPoxLN Ibanez S 7 string Japan (discontinued) buy on Reverb reverb.grsm.io/ibanezs7 Ibanez Steve Vai White Jem (Japan, discontinued) try Jem Premium amzn.to/3f7auZI Ibanez Steve Vai Mirror Jem (discontinued) buy on Reverb reverb.grsm.io/mirrorjem Kiesel Osiris Headless with Fishman Fluence Modern bit.ly/31RTRNS PRS Custom 24 Floyd amzn.to/30GC1eG PRS Herman Li Custom Private Stock (one-of-a-kind) Hercules 1 guitar stand amzn.to/2O39R7y Hercules 3 guitar stand amzn.to/2VSsgsm Hercules 5 guitar stand amzn.to/3iDwayY TOURING ESSENTIALS Gator Double Gig Bag - amzn.to/2VSlz9C Gator Rack Case - amzn.to/3gvTqNo Quantum Industries Triple Guitar Case, 10% off code HML10 bit.ly/39E6rlC DRAGONFORCE Tour Tickets & VIP ► dragonforce.com/shows 👕 Merch ► dragonforce.com/shop BUY OUR MUSIC YouTube Music bit.ly/3mUHTtG iTunes apple.co/2P2xTjx Amazon amzn.to/3jOF1hN Tidal bit.ly/348GDxn

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