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Archaeologists Discover Strange Things about Ancient Egyptians S€x and Death

Duration: 11:55Views: 9.5KLikes: 257Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Crunch

Category: Education

Tags: cruncharchaeologists: why were the egyptians so focused on s€x and death?ancient romearcheologyhistory by crunchancient egyptwhy were the egyptians so focused on s€x and deathcrunch historyancient egypt death ritualsarchaeologists: ancient egyptians s€x and deathancient egypt new discoverycrunch archaeologyarchaeology cruncharchaeology new discoveriesancient greecearchaeology

Description: The ancient Egyptians were pretty fascinated by death. We’ve seen all those mummies stuffed away in all those tombs. Preparation for the afterlife was a sacred task. In fact, a life lived unprepared for your inevitable death could mean that you were doomed to eternal torment in the Egyptian underworld. Your soul would be literally torn apart if you didn’t take the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition. But for the Egyptians, an understanding of death was inseparable from a life well-lived. A life well-lived meant creation, and creation was deeply connected to intercourse. DON'T CLICK THIS LINK: bit.ly/3qt8jGx ✅ For more amazing discoveries as well as recent discoveries, subscribe! Subscribe 👉 youtube.com/CrunchScience #CrunchHistory #archaeology #ancientegypt

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