Channel: FriendlyBaron
Category: Gaming
Tags: friendly baron gtagta v vs real lifegta game designgrand theft autofriendlybarongta v mad maxgta 5gta vgta 5 movies in gamegrand theft auto vgta v irlgta v moviesgta car designgta 5 in real lifegta vs irlgta 5 mad maxgta irlgta in real lifegta 5 movies refrencedrockstar mission designgta v in real lifegta 5 vs real liferockstar designgta 5 movie inspirationgta moments from moviesgta 5 rockstar missions
Description: Rockstar takes inspiration from more than just cars for their games. This video is episode 2 in showcasing some of the best examples of movie scenes that inspired mission actions within GTAV. If you have suggestions on other movies, shows, cars, games, or anything else used as inspiration by Rockstar in GTAV or their other games, let me know! I love making these videos, it's so satisfying to see the movie and game sync up. Is it wrong of Rockstar to use other peoples ideas - I mostly cover what I am thinking about that in the video, ex. I wonder what movies will be used in GTA VI... Sadly I had to butcher the Under Siege 2: Dark Territory clip, as it was causing copyright issues otherwise. I am technically uploading under fair-use but trying to argue that with YouTube's system could take me weeks, so I'll just link the full clip here if you want to see it: It looks so bad, I love it. The guys head just randomly near the tracks, the dude jogging through the train. It's all so bad its good. Almost every movie in this episode was from the 90s and it shows! Episode 1 of the movie inspirations series: My previous video showing the rockstar design inspirations from the GTAV Arena Wars Update: _________________________________________________________________ Subscribe here for more videos probably similar to the one you are watching: ♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Bury the Hatchet ♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Dragoner ♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Father/Son ♫ GTA V Soundtrack - Crocodile Tears Twitch: Twitter: i ate over 100 peanuts while recording this video Patreon: Discord: