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How to recycle your running shoes | Salomon How To

Duration: 03:35Views: 633.6KLikes: 73Date Created: Oct, 2021

Channel: Salomon TV

Category: Sports

Tags: salomonultra marathonyt:cc=ontrail running motivationruntrail running for beginnerstrailsultramarathonrunningtrail runningtrailtrainersecologyroad runningrecycleuphillultra runningtrail running gearmarathonracesportstrail running videossalomon runningrecyclingtrail running documentaryrunning shoestrail running shoesultrarunning

Description: Have your running shoes reached the end of their race? Have you owned a pair of sneakers for a while that are practically new because you never use them? If it’s time to get rid of them there are now more ecological alternatives than the garbage can thanks to recent developments in recycling. Subscribe to SalomonTV on Youtube: youtube.com/user/officialsalomon?sub_confirmation=1 For our latest products, news, stories, highlights, and more, go to our official website at: - salomon.com Follow Salomon on: - Facebook: facebook.com/salomon - Instagram: instagram.com/salomon - Tik Tok: tiktok.com/@salomon - Twitter: twitter.com/salomonsports - Pinterest: youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG9mbW5SUGxoRkYxN2c2SG91d1Vkd0VYR1Q4d3xBQ3Jtc0trZ1o2dE9aYmFNLWloZGIyQjJpYTV4RS1UTUd0dURWNXdMdjh1Zm90UUc4VWxDLWRXZXphel80WnZPczJWZXFrUzdCOUdLX2N0Ymd1Q0hCSjd0Z0NWdS1ISm1CSDQ1T1VkS21yVy14T1ZqTUo4RC1haw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.fr%2Fofficialsalomon%2F

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