Channel: Dr Sam Robbins
Category: Education
Tags: soft erection causessoft erectiontestosteronestrong erectionhow to get a harder erectionwhy does my erection go softincrease erection strengthhflalphavirildr sam robbinssexual healthywhy you go limp during sexwhat can cause soft erectionreasons for soft erectionhow to stop going limp during sexhow to fix soft erectionhow to have stronger erections
Description: My Favorite Libido Enhancing Vitamin: 👉 4 Clinically Proven Ways To Increase Your Testosterone Levels, Naturally: 👉 ============================= 5 Reasons You Go Limp During Sex (& How To Fix It) ============================= And if this has happened to you, please know that you are not alone. I guarantee this happens to every guy at some point in their life. What’s important is that you fix it as soon as you can, so it doesn’t get worse - both physically and even more so, emotionally. It’s not good for your self esteem OR hers. Hormones Yes, hormones always play a big role in getting and maintaining an erection. And no, it’s not just about having high testosterone levels. It’s more about optimal hormonal balance between your “sex hormones”. Negative Thoughts This is a big one and it has to do with the negative, self-doubting dialog you will have in your head. This can cause anxiety and the release of stress hormones, which will vasoconstrict and reduce blood flow. You may be thinking: Am I doing this right Am I big enough Does she like this Why did she say this or do that So on and so forth… And when this starts and you start to soften up, you freak out. “Oh no, I’m going limp” and then your adrenaline & stress hormones really increase, which makes this 10x worse. In fact, no amount of Viagra can undo the damage stress can cause to your erections. Your body is super powerful. And this typically happens when you really like the person because you care what they think. SUGGESTION: My suggestion is remind yourself that you are already having sex with her - this means she likes you. She wants you. You’re already in. Be happy. Be in the moment. Enjoy how good it feels. You don’t need to think about any insecurities. We all have them, including women. Of course, if all else fails, just focus on her and give her an orgasm with your tongue and fingers. This gives her pleasure AND takes the focus and pressure off you and your erection. Drugs There are a lot of drugs that can cause erection problems. Both street and prescription. I’m going to quickly list some of the more popular ones. Getting Bored Boredom can kill the excitement of anything. We all crave some variety and when it comes to sex, men usually need even more variety than women. It’s just a genetic and biological thing. This is typical of a longer term relationship. Now, I’m not saying to go cheat - not at all. But you need to start creating some variety in the bedroom. SUGGESTION: My suggestion is to get creative. There are lots of things you can do - such as new positions, new places, toys, role playing and so forth. Speak to your partner and start having fun again. Dopamine Burnout Dopamine is known as the pleasure chemical. More accurately, it causes the pursuit of pleasure. It drives and motivates you. And it plays a big role in sex drive. For example, cocaine dramatically increases dompain levels and typically increases you sex drive and desire. Unfortunately, it also causes erection problems due to the excess adrenal and cortisol output. These days, many people have just burned out dopamine production and receptor sensitivity because of Too much screen time - this can be social media, your phone, streaming videos and so forth. Excessive masturbation - more than 2-3x daily. And one of the worst offenders is watching too much porn. All that variety and options these days, just burns out your dopamine receptors and production. SUGGESTION: My suggestion is give your receptors a break. Reduce screen time, social media and for sure, porn and masturbation. In fact, stop porn and masturbation for one to two weeks and you’ll see a dramatic improvement. ============== Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends. Visit Dr.Sam Robbins's blog for more information on your health! =============== Thanks DrSamRobbins Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.