Channel: Fermilab
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: biggalaxiesreasonexpandingdataexistencebig bangspaceyearsresearchamazingbangproofwowcosmicmethodpastancientphysicistexpansioncernmysterylightrelativitysciencemethuselaheinsteintelescopetheorydeepbeginningscientistscientificoriginwhycosmologyexplainedmatterinflationhubblehowgeneralphysicsparticlegalaxyeverythingstarlearnlhcdon lincolnteachcarl sagan2021starsdoctortruthwhatian krassfutureuniverseelementsfermilabtime
Description: The Big Bang is the currently accepted theory for the origin of the universe, however there are some who point to the existence of a very old star– called the Methuselah star– which is said to be even older. If that were true, this would imply that the Big Bang theory is wrong. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln explains how Big Bang deniers have gone astray. Have astronomers disproved the Big Bang? Estimate of the age of the Methuselah star using Hubble telescope data: Estimate of the age of the Methuselah star using Gaia telescope data: Fermilab physics 101: Fermilab home page: