Channel: emmmabooks
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Tags: readerbookreading vlogbook recommendationsweek in my lifenyc vlogbook recsdialectical behavioral therapyemmmabookspole danceremma giordanonyc therapisttherapistpole dancethe mortal instrumentsrealistic week in my lifereadbook tubebooktubebook recommendationtherapyreadsemmabooksreadingbook reviewyoutuberbooksbook reviewsdbtshadowhuntersvlogbooktuber
Description: I've been looking forward to showing you what my week is like now that I'm a full-time therapist! Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy! Check out my Ranking All The Books I Read in 2021!: - follow me - instagram: @emmmabooks twitter: @emmmabooks tiktok: @emmmabooks facebook: goodreads: spotify: Support me on Patreon: Thank you to some of my kind patrons: porsche, William C, William H, Fie Sejr Ravn, Megan, Susan, Libri, Dominique, Clea, Brent! - want to send me a letter? - Emma Giordano P.O. Box 472 Island Park, NY 11558-1551 *Authors and publishers, do NOT send me unsolicited books without my permission. This PO Box is intended for subscriber mail ONLY* - discount codes / affiliate links - Get your first Book of the Month box for only $9.99 using the code EMMMABOOKS: Get a free month of audiobook/ebook streaming from Scribd! If you use my link, I also get a month free!: //Check out my Bookshop page. If you buy books from here, I will get a small commission and so will independent bookstores!: - FTC disclaimers - -Links with an asterisk (*) indicate I was sent this book for free by a publisher, unsolicited or requested by myself -Links with a double slash (//) indicate I will receive a small commission if you decide to purchase something using that link! This video contains: -product(s) I was paid by the company in exchange for a feature [ ] -product(s) I was sent for free by the company in exchange for a feature [ ] Songs used: Music | "Alive" by LiQWYD Watch: License: Download/Stream: Outro Song: ♫ Track: [Electro Swing] Odd Chap - Interstellar [No Copyright Music] ♫ Watch: