Channel: Blackthornprod
Category: Gaming
Tags: how to codecoding in unityinstantiateif statementsunitycodinggame devblackthornprodtutoriallearn c# with these 9 lines of code - unity tutorial!programmingget componentc#artvariablescollisionsloopsdestroyeasyc# and unityc# programmingcoding for beginnersc# for beginnersprogramming basicsprogramming in unitycoding games
Description: Xsolla: ------------------------ Olobollo on Steam: ------------------------ 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - Xsolla Promo 1:24 - Variables 4:17 - GetComponent() 6:08 - Instantiate() 7:52 - Destroy() 9:27 - Loops 13:35 - If/else 16:04 - Input.GetAxisRaw() 18:59 - Vector2.MoveTowards() 21:00 - OnTriggerEnter2D()