Channel: Paige and Holly
Category: Comedy
Tags: holly and paigelgbtq+gay rightsreactingshould you be friends with your exhomophobichomophobiapaige and hollygay couplecoming out advicegay lovelgbt q&agetting back together with an exgayim gayadreactionsame-sex marriagelgbt advicepride monthlgbtqlesbian couplelgbtq adviceq&arelationship advicelesbianpride10 things we wish we knew before coming outcoming outlgbt
Description: It is NEVER a good idea... or is it?! Also - thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring today's video. Click here for 10% off your first month - Hi pham! Today we go through 10 ~considerations~ before either cutting your ex off, or keeping them in your life. In our experiences, we weren't self-aware enough to make the best choices - but then who is when you're heart broken?! Hindsight is 20/20, but hopefully these things can help shed some light on how to put yourself first and make the best decision for YOU moving forward! PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE! 💕 PATREON: MERCH: (sign up for perks & discounts!) BIZ INQUIRIES: LIVE STREAMS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PO BOX INFO: Holly Earith PO Box 29150 Hespeler PO 101 Holiday Inn Drive Cambridge ON N3C 0A0 CANADA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOLLOW US ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TWITTER: paigeandholly_ INSTA: dreanning_ // Paigeh0ward // hollyearithh TIKTOK: paigeandhollyofficial