Channel: JOKO
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftminecraft butbigshrimpin69jschlatttubbominecraft nostalgiachallengemomnentsjoko minecraftfunny
Description: Minecraft Maps from 2011 with JOKO and BIGSHRIMPIN69 are a great way to ruin your childhood! TWITCH ► TWITTER ► DISCORD ► INSTAGRAM ► In this Minecraft video JOKO and @BIGSHRIMPIN69 play one of the oldest most popular Minecraft maps ever made and oh boy it does not hold up to today's standards. Luckily we are the best Minecraft duo, even better than TommyInnit and GeorgeNotFound or whoever you think is better than us. We found a cool Minecraft Easter egg and I told a little story about Jschlatt. Also I'm pretty sure that Tubbo and Sapnap from Minecraft came up in our conversations a couple of times for whatever reason. If you want more JOKO and BIGSHRIMPIN69 Minecraft videos please let me know! #Minecraft #Joko