Channel: Moonbug Kids - Cartoons and Kids Songs
Category: Education
Tags: buskids songsbus videos for kidscozycartoons with busvehiclesyellow busbuster videoswater balloon fightlittle baby bumwater balloonkids buscozy coupe cartoonkids videossongs for kidsbus videosnursery rhymescozy coupe water balloon fightvehicle videocars for kidscartoonbuster the busmoonbug kidscartoon buslittle baby busvideos for kidscarsbuster songswheels on the buscozy coupe save the flowerscozy coupe
Description: Cozy Coupe and his friends get into a fun water balloon fight to help the flowers in the garden grow! ⭐ Subscribe! ► ⭐ Order ⭐ 00:00 Water Balloon Fight - Save the Flowers 2:21 CAR-nival 4:25 Lights, Camera, Action! 6:32 Cozy Coupe - Cozy & Friends Play Soccer 8:30 Chief's Birthday Cake Disaster - Cozy Saves the Day 10:30 Too Much CAR-bage 12:31 The Best Adventures of Cozy Coupe! 13:49 The Talent Show 15:50 Fire Emergency! - Fire Truck & Cozy Fight the Fire 17:53 Yes Yes Vegetable Disaster 19:56 Oh No, Deputy Cozy Is Stuck In Jail! 22:03 Detective Cozy Solves a Mystery - Fairy Spills Paint Everywhere! 24:05 Clubhouse Construction at the Beach 26:03 The Turtle Race Moonbug Kids cartoons & kids songs is the home of all your favourite cartoon kids videos, songs for children and more. Join Mia, Buster, Mila and Morphle and the rest of our friends at Moonbug Kids for fun adventures, learning and songs. ⭐ Fun with our LEGO friends with this playlist! ► ⭐ Watch more from Moonbug Kids here: 📍 Lellobee - City Farm Songs & Nursery Rhymes: 📍 Healthy Habits For Kids Songs: 📍 Blippi Videos - Kids Learning Videos: 📍 CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs: 📍 My Magic Pet Morphle - Children Cartoons: #KidsSongs #KidsCartoon #moonbugkids