Channel: BVTV Music
Category: Music
Tags: deathfearlessrecordsofficialvideospiritboxfallonrockfueled by ramendownloadsunspearmusicunderoathcrossed handsinvent animatekingdom of giantsthe devil wears pradalivelike moths to flamesour last nightnorthlanestick to your gunswarped toursetacousticvolumesalternativemetalailmentspolarisscreamingantidoteskimmellyricfit for a kingarchitectswe came as romanscounterpartsoceans ate alaskarise recordsvannawage warerik ronfull
Description: Introducing: Crossed Hands from Paris, France. Watch the official music video for the band’s brand new single “Celestial Haze” exclusively on BVTV Music! Stream “Celestial Haze” now at: Recorded and mixed at: Heartsick Studios Mastered by: Bandit Studios Directed by: Aurelien Mariat Check out more from Crossed Hands at: Follow BVTV at: YOUTUBE: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: Lyrics: Time consumes me until I expel my flesh And if my bones remain, who will bless my name I feel the dagger swimming beneath my skin Each of my choices implies a part of me I cannot reclaim I cannot recover Just see We are somewhere in between Stunned by the “tic – tic” of our own abstraction So I replace myself and salt the wounds, facing my reality I worth the value I carry I am possessed by my possessions And time consumes me until I expel my flesh And if my bones remain, who will bless my name Blessing my name Dear « C » I know you've tried endlessly to fix your lack of fantasy Tried every kind of medicine to ease your spirituality I know it's hard to dialogue without the voice inside your head How long does it take to feel safe To feel safe I feel it I feel it inside The dagger The dagger of self-doubt I feel it I feel it inside Corrupting my celestial haze Corrupting My celestial haze