Channel: Five Parks Yoga w/ Erin Sampson
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: 25 minute yogafree online yoga classyoga workoutvinyasa flow yoga classyogalivingroom yogayoga flowat home yogayoga connectionfree yogashavasana yogayoga classesbreathing yoga30 min yoga flowmorning yoga workouterin yoga teacherhome yogavinyasa flow yogayoga to relaxflowvinyasayoga classerin sampsonvinyasa flowyoga movementfree yoga classhome workoutfive parksmorning yogayoga for connectionyoga for energy
Description: This 25-minute free yoga class will aid you in connecting your breath to your movements via the avenues of breathwork and physical movement. This class will keep you off of your feet and low to the ground. The warm-up portion of this class begins in Childs pose so that you can focus on the sound of your breath and the movement of your breath in your body. You will build heat in the body with modified side plank during your warm-up, followed by the deep forward fold Paschimottanasa (seated forward fold). From seated forward fold, stretch and twist with head to knee pose and revolved head to knee pose in addition to a seated twist with an emphasis on deep breathing. Stretch and open your chest, throat, and upper back with heart-melting pose, camel pose, and rabbit pose. You will make your way onto your back from bridge and supported bridge and bridge with chest expansion. Stretch and twist your spine in reclined spinal twist. Complete your class with a relaxing Savasana. From my heart to yours. 😌 We'd love to know what you thought about this class in the comments below! Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and we'll see you soon! Want to help support Erin & Five Parks Yoga create even more free yoga classes? Your small contribution makes a HUGE difference! Make a one-time donation or sign up for one of our $1 a month (and up) support options. Consider becoming a supporter and learn more at: Join Erin in Costa Rica! Learn more about Erin's upcoming yoga retreats! Want to add Music to your yoga class? Erin has a bunch of handcrafted yoga playlists just for you! Head over to to explore the collection Looking for some guidance or a challenge? Give one of our 30 Day Challenges (they're free!) a try and see if you can hang for 30 straight days! Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson Location: Arvada, Colorado Visit us Online: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Sign up for news about Erin's upcoming yoga retreats! Do you have a class request for Erin? Let her know! Want to know Erin's favorite Yoga Mat? Favorite Yoga Pants? Produced by Tamarindo Films: Special Five Parks Students Offer! We have a special discount for you on the same Singing Bowls that Erin uses in her classes! Save a full 20% on Singing Bowls with coupon code "IMSAVE20" on their Amazon store at: - Erin loves her Silent Mind Singing Bowl and you will too :) #yoga #homeyoga #quarantineyoga