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From Skinny Fat to Muscular | Step by Step Transformation

Duration: 08:09Views: 1.6MLikes: 35.1KDate Created: Dec, 2016

Channel: Radu Antoniu

Category: Sports

Tags: muscularmacrosbuild muscleprogramcaloriestransformationbodyskinny fatroutinegain strengthworkoutfatskinnyradu antoniubody transformationmeal plan

Description: Macro Calculator: thinkeatlift.com/calculator The ShredSmart Program: thinkeatlift.com/shredsmart The Greek God Program: thinkeatlift.com/ggp Music by LAKEY INSPIRED: soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired The Skinny-Fat Physique is a term I use to describe a body that looks skinny with a shirt on and fat with the shirt off. Although skinny-fat people have a low-to-moderate body fat percentage, they still look soft and out of shape because they have very little muscle mass. They tend to accumulate fat easily around the waist but very little on their legs and arms. Also, they usually have a hip dominant bone structure: relatively narrow shoulders and rib cage and wider waist and hips. Many people starting from this point are discouraged because they think their genetics work against them and they can never have the proportions to look great. That’s not true. Look at Ryan Gosling as an example. He clearly has wide waist and hips due to his bone structure, and a tendency to store fat on his belly. But that didn’t stop him from building a great physique, and being considered one of the most attractive men alive. So while you may have what would be considered “bad genetics” you definitely can build a very attractive and strong physique. Once you develop your shoulders, arms, back and chest and get your waist smaller, you will look like a Hollywood actor.

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