Channel: TheBanglesVEVO
Category: Music
Tags: walk like an egyptianthe bangles walk like an egyptianwalk like an egyptian music videobananaramaバングルスbanglesegyptian musicegyptianmanic mondaywalk like an egyptian the banglesoldies musiclove shackthe banglesdance like an egyptianheart of glassbangles walk like an egyptianwalking like an egyptianwalk like egyptian80s sing alongs80slike an egyptianthese boots are made for walkinbangles eternal flame
Description: Official video for "Walk Like an Egyptian" by The Bangles Listen to The Bangles: Subscribe to the official YouTube Channel for The Bangles: Watch more music videos by The Bangles: Follow The Bangles: Facebook: Instagram: Website: YouTube: Spotify: --------- Lyrics: All the old paintings on the tombs, They do the sand dance, Don't you know? If they move too quick They're falling down like a domino. All the bazaar men by the Nile, They got the money on a bet. Gold crocodiles they snap their teeth On your cigarette. Foreign types with their hookah pipes say Walk like an Egyptian. #TheBangles #WalkLikeAnEgyptian #PopRock