Channel: cf-apps7865
Category: Education
Tags: mound buildersancient historyprojectile pointsurviving winterlost history of the united stateswinter ancient homehistoryancient americamarlboroughancient5000 year old dynamited destroyed ancient siteflagg swamp rocksheltercfapps7865oldest stone wall new englandgoogle earth5000 year old cave sitehearth3000bc massachusetts ancient sitebear ceremonial burialnew england ancient historymassachusetts historyoldest cave site new englandartifacts
Description: A report on the Flagg Swamp Rockshelter in Marlborough, Massachusetts. This site was lived in for 4,000 years and was dynamited in 1980. #AncientHistory #ancientAmerica #FlaggSwampRockshelter #Massachusetts #history #ancient #Losthistory #artfacts #projectilepoints #bear #shaman #cfapps7865 #ancientMassachusetts #Marlborough #GoogleEarth #americanhistory #archaeology