Channel: David Firth
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: pillsstupiddark comedybig pharmasalad fingersdark animationanother brick in the wallambienthealthcarerandomadobe animatelocust toyboxwebmdpharmacuticalsweb animationhospitalfunnypainnational healthcartoondrugscomedysillyflash animationhealthmedicineanimationdoctorobamacare2d animationnhscartoon comedycacky bird legssatirejokescreepydavid firthacaflash
Description: This is the story of when you became MAD AS A SWAN MERCH PATREON TIKTOK: TWITTER INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK The music is by Locust Toybox. You can buy it on Bandcamp I don't know why you haven't subscribed yet. Dr. David Firth's Health Reminder: Lesson 3. LISTEN! This is your doctor speaking. I'm afraid that you have declined into a bird-like state of mental unwellness. It all starts with a series of reverse yawns dripping down the inside of your spine, soon to be joined by sporadic shock rhythms eventually developing into convulsive pecking waves. There really is no helping you. Here in the doctorial business, we have a number of birds in which to compare your current mental state to. As it currently stands you are "Mad as a Crested Tit"; a wonderful choice for this time of year. If you would like me to open your skull and take a look at your wires, I'd be pleased to give it my best, I must warn you though, I have no idea what I am doing. It’s anyone’s guess as to what wizardry causes our thinking machines to think the thoughts we think. We literally have no idea.