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How to use Microsoft Access - Beginners Course (Deep Dive)

Duration: 01:20:38Views: 23.2KLikes: 385Date Created: Dec, 2021

Channel: Teacher's Tech

Category: Education

Tags: jamie keetms accessmicrosoft access tutorialcreate queries in microsoft accesscreate tables in microsoft accesscreate forms in microsoft accessmicrosoft access 2019create reports in microsoft accessmicrosoft access tutorial - beginners level 2microsoft accessmicrosoft access beginners coursehow to use microsoft accessimport data from excel into accessteacher's tech

Description: Dive deeper into how to use Microsoft Access in this beginner's course. This video builds on concepts from Microsoft Access Tutorial - Beginners Level. In this tutorial you will learn how to set up and customize fields for your table in Microsoft Access, import data from an excel spreadsheet, create a 1 to many relationship with two tables, create a form with controllers and drop-drowns, get more specific with your queries in Microsoft Access, create a report based on a query and learn to export your data. Use the timestamps below to navigate the video. Microsoft Access Tutorial - Beginners Level 1: youtu.be/Sxp8YjKu_Tc Practice excel file: leveragingdigitalinc-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/jamie_leveragingdigital_com/Ee9T-B1BshhJv3iYuLE_X3sB685t77y4ST8MRXeXozbIcQ?e=faO5Qt Microsoft query examples: support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/examples-of-query-criteria-3197228c-8684-4552-ac03-aba746fb29d8 0:00 Introduction 0:48 Why use Microsoft Access 2:44 Create a blank database 3:43 Create a table and add fields for students 8:06 Add a record to the student table 10:32 Import data from excel spreadsheet into a created table 13:19 Import data from excel spreadsheet into a new table 14:58 Create a relationship between tables (one to many) 22:56 Customize table fields in Microsoft Access 34:56 Create a form 37:05 Create a form with the form wizard 38:06 Customize the look of your form 45:47 Add a combo box to your form 49:55 Add an image to your form 51:05 Add command buttons to your form in Microsoft Access 56:16 Add a record with your form 57:30 Using Sort in your tables 58:59 Creating queries in Microsoft Access 1:03:33 Adding criteria to your query 1:07:06 How to use parameters and wildcards in your queries 1:10:50 Using the greater, less than or equal in the criteria 1:13:29 Create a report form a query 1:18:16 Export tables, forms queries, and reports

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