Channel: Superholly English
Category: Entertainment
Tags: hard to translate spanish wordslearn spanish with hollylearn spanishoverloaded symbols in languagespanish languagequedar for making plans in spanishhow do you say fit in spanish?superholly explains quedarhow to translate quedar into englishsuperholly quedarholly explains quedarturn out in spanish?spanish lessonsspanish verbswhat does quedar mean?superholly spanish lessonsmultiporpose words in spanishwhy is it quedar and not estar?
Description: Quedar is one of Spanish's most versatile words! In this video, we'll be diving in to 10 of the meanings it can have, with some explanations and example sentences. It will take a while to feel comfortable writing your own sentences with quedar, but, hopefully, by the end of this video, you'll be able to understand quedar when it's being used. I've also made a second version of this video, where I explain to Spanish speakers how to say quedar in English. If you feel up for a challenge, follow along as I explain these same concepts while speaking Spanish primarily: