Channel: BarryBeeTV
Category: Entertainment
Tags: hot girls kissing videoprankgone wildbarrybeetvmake outfrench kisskissing in subwayprankinvasionsocial experiment kissingpublichow to kisskissingkissing with tanguepranks kissingsocial experimentkissing prankprankinvasion faketubesubwaycrazy kissing videomake out prankpublic pranklondon undergroundkissing prank 2015kissing prank 2016
Description: TODAY I go KISSING GIRLS IN LONDON SUBWAY! We filmed a little social experiment kissing prank for you guys while I'm still over here in the London. Safe to say, we got some pretty sick reactions! If you would like to see more of these social experiment kissing videos in the subway like this London Underground one, let me know which country I should do the next subway kissing video. If you guys want to see more videos like this, smash the like rating and lets see how many people want more of this content! 20,000 Likes gets another Subway kissing video! Add me on Snapchat to stay up to date with my everyday life: BarryBeeTV