Channel: Sarah and the Wolves
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: lakomigopro of the daya very happy wolfhappy wolfpetting a wolfsilly wolfwolf in snowwolfdog playinga very happy wolfdogsilly wolfdogsarah and the wolvesgopro herowolf steals goprowolf sanctuarygoprowolf petswolfdogdog steals goproblack wolfplayful wolf
Description: Lakomi is an upper-mid content wolfdog living in sanctuary. She wasn't totally sure if she trusted the GoPro when I first wore it into her pen, so she tried to steal it and find out more about it! Wolves and wolfdogs are by nature fearful of new or novel things. This is due to a trait known as neophobia. In the wild it's a useful, protective behavior pattern. New things can often be dangerous (think hunters, traps, or other human made horrors) so approaching things that are unfamiliar in a cautious manner makes sense. It just also happens to be rather funny to see apex predators play-bowing to inanimate, tiny objects. Once Lakomi realized the GoPro wasn't going to hurt her she decided she could come get scratches, which is her favorite reward for bravery.