Channel: Planet Dolan
Category: Entertainment
Tags: danger dolantapincrediblepogchampinstagramvtuberplanet dolanamazingtwittertik toktiktokpoggersredditfireviraldolanfunny
Description: From a robot arm mysteriously moving on its own, to a man somehow flying horizontally, we count 30+ of the most amazing things you'll ever see. This is our inaugural episode of the new 30 Plus series, an evolution of our classic top 15 Danger Dolan countdowns! It's also the debut of the Vtuber model for Dolan, one which will be iterated on over time. Why has Planet Dolan content been on pause up till now? We spent two busy years working on our animated show Destruna - Dolan talks about it here: Subscribe for more videos like this: Twitter: Mocap by Dolan, 3D model & tech by David Fonti & 3D rig by TC Additional video credits: #amazing #PlanetDolan #vtuber