Channel: ASMRMagic
Category: Entertainment
Tags: studysatisfying crunchno whipseringtapping and scratchingno talkingunique asmrbinaural relaxationsleeptinglesunusual soundswax asmrvinyl tappingstress reliefmic scratchingnew triggersasmr magicamsrasrrmagicliquid soundsgentle tapping3dioasmrarmscrinklingasmr liquid
Description: #notalkingasmr #sleepaid #tingles ✨Hello! Tonight I have 11 satisfying new triggers that I've not used on my channel before, including different deep ear scratchy sounds, another new vinyl mat and a couple of other more unusual sounds. The triggers are broken up into 2 minute (ish) sections in the first part for those of you just looking for tingles and then after that there's the extended version of each sound for when you need longer videos to fall asleep ☺️ I hope you enjoy and find this relaxing. Many thanks for watching, lots of love ~ Rhianna 💋xoxo 📍Timestamps: 00:00 - 02:21 - Straw floor cushion scratching 02:22 - 04:40 - Beaded pillow, crinkly, crunchy & scratchy 04:41 - 06:48 - Gel honeycomb mat, squishy & unusual scratchy sounds 06:49 - 8:41 - Foam mic scratching with fuzzy penguins 🐧 8:42 - 12:55 - Wax ball candles, box scratching & echo wax candle sounds 12:56 - 15:36 - Vinyl bubble shower mat, nice taps and scratches 15:37 - 17:55 - Bonus Shure mic scratching & 3Dio ear tapping 17:56 - 20:04 - Liquid & styrofoam filled tankards, unusual 3Dio ear cupping & liquid sounds 20:05 - 22:21 - Crunchy Bingsu stress ball (inspired by Gibi) 22:22 - 24:25 - Chunky wooden beads, clicky clack sounds 24:26 - 26:29 - Velvet pumpkin, fabric sounds & crunchy sounds 26:30 - 28:48 - Beaded mesh fabric. Clicky sounds & fabric massage sounds 28:49 - 34:58 - Straw floor cushion, extended version 34:59 - 44:42 - Beaded crinkly cushion 44:43 - 52:07 - Gel honeycomb mat 52:08 - 57:22 - Scratchy penguins 57:23 - 1:06:42 - Wax ball candles (without echo) 1:06:43 - 1:14:02 - Vinyl bubble shower mat 1:14:03 - 1:16:28 - Bonus mic scratch & ear tapping 1:16:29 - 1:21:34 - Liquid tankards 1:21:35 - 1:26:55 - Gibi's crunchy stress ball 1:26:56 - 1:33:23 - Wooden beads 1:33:24 - 1:40:13 - Velvet pumpkins 1:40:14 - End - Beaded mesh fabric 📸 Instagram: 🎬 Previous Upload: (Tingly Textures) 🐦 Tweet Tweet: 💅 Nail polish - 💎 Amazon affiliate links if you wish to support my channel/the ASMR prop fund for free whilst shopping :) UK - US - ❤️ Love, ASMR Magic xoxo