Channel: Simple Victoria
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: planning systemsimple victoriadaily routineproductive daily routinestudy tipsstudenttime managementproductuvepomodoro methodhow i planpomodoroscheduleroutineproductivitystudent tipsproductive routineorganizehow i scheduleorganization systemplannerhow to organize
Description: On today's video I will be sharing how I build my productive daily routine and how I deal with time management. We will cover how I plan my days, weeks and months with the analog part of my planning system. We will also have a look at the Flexible Time Blocking System, how I use the Pomodoro Technique and the 20-20-20 rule, my positive feedback system and also some final notes on planning. EPISODE 1: EPISODE 2: EPISODE 3: this video! ♡ Instagram: → want to support me and help me keep creating?: 〰️ Patreon Friends that support my work ♡ Erin Noon, Veronica, Katie Gamble, Debra XoXo, Anna Smarhunova, Susanna Lo, Serena, Sri Ponukumati, Caroline Serôdio, İrem Tatar, Lena-Marie, Jess, Julia Ward, Vilde Olaussen, erin buchanan, icoconut 〰️ Music: • ¨Bored¨ and ¨Boba tea¨ (Prod. by Lukrembo) • ¨Quite Cool¨, ¨Surf¨and ¨Acting¨ by trees and lucy