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Mud Crab and Goanna Caught in Tidal Zone with Andrew Ucles

Duration: 13:07Views: 620.9KLikes: 5.5KDate Created: Jun, 2015

Channel: Andrew Ucles

Category: Pets & Animals

Tags: mud crabsmud crab caught barehandedanimal catchinggoannacatching animalsargus monitoradventurousbarehanded catchingcrabsanimal attackandrew ucleslizard attackanimalsmud crabcrab (animal)catching crabsgonnabarehanded mud crabsgoanna lizardadventuremonitor lizardwild mancrab attacklizard (animal)lizard monitorkid friendlyfamily showwildlife animalswildcatching mud crabs

Description: Wild man Andrew Ucles takes you on a journey through the Australian mangroves in search for a specific species of Monitor lizard, having not much luck he finds a large Mud Crab lurking in the roots of a inter-tidal tree. Pushing on to the next day he comes across a large Argus Monitor from which he luckily escapes a close shave to the nose after a strike catches him off guard. WATCH UCLES VS AFRICA: andrewucles.com/adventures/ucles-vs-africa Subscribe for more wild videos! ► bit.ly/AUsubscribe andrewucles.com facebook.com/uclesvsthewild twitter.com/AndrewUcles [No animals within the following footage were harmed. The footage depicts animals being restrained and no intent has been made to injure, harm or stress the animal(s). All animals used within the following footage were released back into their natural state. Viewers should not attempt the following outtakes without the appropriate permits and review of the relevant legislation and industry professional assistance.]

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