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WANDER THE FOR ME [animation meme]

Duration: 00:40Views: 1.1MLikes: 55.7KDate Created: Aug, 2019

Channel: Torriku Sotaru

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: torrikucountryhumansoriginal charactersotaruanimatictorriku subarucartoonwander the for me animation memetoonboomtorriku sotaruanimation memeswander the for meanimateanimationanimation memetorriku sotaru countryhumansochow to animatecartoonsanimationscharacter designpmvocsoriginal characters

Description: EDIT: This animation is incredibly outdated for anyone following/interested in the Ghost Club Story! I made this meme before finishing the story, so a lot of it is no longer canon, but I hope you enjoy the animation anyway! :) Sorry, I know it's not countryhumans but I've been in an art block and making something different is helping a lot! Hope you guys don't mind and thank you for your patience, more countryhuman content soon! Original: youtube.com/watch?v=m-R4h8oub9E Inspired by: youtube.com/watch?v=xMSDzH0N2nk Characters: The characters are all from my own oc story, basically a cartoon about a haunted high school in the 1980s! In order: Mikey, Cody, Brandon My instagram: torrikusotaru Thank you for reading my description, I now owe you my eternal love and soul, have a good day/night! :)

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