Channel: Math and Science
Category: Education
Tags: algebra areavertical anglesanglesgeometry tutorial360 degreesalgebraradiansgeometry areadegreesunit circletrig anglesparallel lines cut by a transversaldegrees in mathtransversalgeometry tutormath tutorialareameasuring anglesperpendicular linesparallel linestrigonometrytrigonometry radiansgeometry lessonsmath lessonsconvert degrees to radianstrig degreesvolumegeometric proofhelpgeometric figuresdegree measuregeometrymath
Description: View more at In this lesson, we will learn how to calculate angles in geometric figures. We will use the concepts of complimentary and supplementary angles in order to analyze a figure to determine the angles in the figure. We examine vertical angles, parallel lines cut by a transversal, and more.