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A Yukurushi's Story 💔 | Animated Short/AMV (READ DESCRIPTION)

Duration: 01:46Views: 892.3KLikes: 58.1KDate Created: Jan, 2019

Channel: Remuchii

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: romancememestorytimeyandere animationreoloriginal animation meme90s styleamvcuteanimationanimation memeyandereanimated shortbreakupoc90s animecreepycuteremuchiimapanimatormenherafurryanimevaporwave

Description: !!!DISCLAMER, VERY IMPORTANT!!!! The original audio of the animation was removed completely by YouTube as the artist decided to copyright their song and not allow it on Youtube anymore, so YouTube only let me choose a new song from their audio library , that's why the song doesn't match up with the video anymore!!!! I feel devastated ...it was my best animation and the one that I worked on the most and it to be taken away from me like that..without a warning was very painful If you'd like to listen to the original song and audio of the video please check it out here , it would really really mean a lot to me seriously!!! 「重要なお知らせ: アーティストが歌の著作権を登録してYouTubeで使えないようにしたので、元の音楽が削除されてしまいました。YouTubeのライブラリーから好きなものを選んで良いということだったので、それを使っています。だから、動きと音楽がマッチしてないんです。一番出来がいいアニメだったのに、残念。 元の音楽を聴きたい人は、下のリンクへ行ってください。私にとってはとっても大切なことなんです。」 日本語訳です。 💔 remuchii.tumblr.com/post/185181066002/a-yukurushi-story-reupload-the-singer-decided-to 💔 Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!~💔 Hiii there everyone, I am back again yeey!~ Sorry for taking so long to get another video out aaah my life has been a mess lately, In a month I am moving to another country, I am super duper excited about it but at the same time stressed af and scared, basically a big bowl of random emotions haha. I will try to upload more regularly after I get there and get my peace and quiet ^u^ I know this video technically doesn't have many “ animations” as you can usually get from me but it has the same amount of work and time put into it, or even more, editing all the 3d scenes was so time consuming but it was totally worth it, It’s giving off exactly the vibe I was going for ~ This time I decided to do a little something that is not an animation meme, it’s more like a Oc story explanation kind of thing, Yukurushies are a species created by me, their story is not complete but for now at least you can have this little video of how you can become a Yukurushi~ It’s a really sad process , if your jealousy pushes you to become obsessive, a Yukurushi (Guri in this case) will get attached to you and unleash your most deepest of thoughts and wants, and you end up taking something that you think can only belong to you, the life of the person you love the most. The guilt and the pain pushes you to madness and you turn into a Yukurushi. I don’t want to spoil everything of how this goes, I want you to have some theories about it in the comments if you'd like to , either way thank you so much for watching and having patience with me, you lovelies are seriously the best and I can’t wait to do more animations for you!~ You can find me here if you want to see more of my art~ Instagram: instagram.com/remuchiii Twitter: twitter.com/RemuchiiDesu Tumblr: remuchii.tumblr.com Deviant Art: deviantart.com/remuchii Programs used to create this animation: Paint Tool Sai Photoshop Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Blender Song by: Reol. Viora Lovely artists featured at 0:22 you are all amazing and you inspire me a lot~ TeaCaku GhostfaceNikol Aquariumprincess23 Mynqso Dorotero

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