Channel: America Uncovered
Category: News & Politics
Tags: gas pricepresident bidenfuelchris chappellgasolinegas pricesforeign oilfuel shortageoilrussiarising gas pricesrussian oil importsgasgas prices to riseprice of gasoil pricesuswhy is gas so expensivesurviverussian oilenergy pricesus inflationrussian sanctionsdomestic oilwhite houseus surviveamerica uncoveredgas costsus gas pricesukrainejoe bidengas crisishigh gas pricesrussian invasionbiden gas prices
Description: Gas prices are through the roof, and the White House wants Americans to blame it on Russian President Vladimir Putin. Is Putin really to blame though? If the US were able to produce more oil, would gas prices go down? And can the US survive without foreign oil? Watch this episode of America Uncovered for the answer to those questions and more. SUPPORT US: Locals...............► Patreon.............► Merchandise.....► SOCIAL: Facebook...► Instagram..► Twitter........►