Channel: Learn English with Gill · engVid
Category: Education
Tags: english vocabularyteflsonnettoeflinggrisemma lazarusjillenglish grammartensesgillpoemvocabularystatue of libertybritish englishenglishangielskinative accentpoetryinglésbritish accentангли́йскийhoc tieng anhslangjob skillspresentation skillsreadingspeak englishnew colossusengvidcomprehensionaccenttesolnative speakerإنجليزيspoken englishanglaiscollosusenglischieltsspeaking skillslearn englishteslangolesllessons
Description: Improve your English with a sonnet by the American poet Emma Lazarus. This poem was written in 1883, but it has a lot of relevance to what is happening in the world today. You might feel threatened when looking at an old poem – all that formal unfamiliar vocabulary can be intimidating. But I’ll show you that it doesn’t have to be scary. I’ll take you through the poem line by line and explain the difficult words and concepts. We will also learn a little bit about the poem’s structure and rhyme scheme. This is the article I refer to in the video: Take the quiz here: Watch more of my poetry lessons: