Channel: BostonTom
Category: Comedy
Tags: tom adults reactscary movie quizhalloween movie quizscary quizhorror movie quizit 2017tom teens reacttom college kids reactcan you survive a scary movietom fine brossurvival quiztom reacthorror movies 2017it movie quizboston tomscary movies 2017imbostontomtom fbeit movie triviatom phelanhow to survive a scary moviemovie quizscary clownit easter eggs
Description: CAN YOU SURVIVE THESE SCARY MOVIE QUIZZES?! Cause I know I can't... SUBSCRIBE!! I do cool things!!...sometimes. Hit the Bell icon after to make sure you get notified when I post! I don't know how pumpkin spice is supposed to save me from scary clowns like IT...but I hope it works! Lame Quizzes: (Yes, I'm salty cause I died) Also check me out on Teens React and Adults React on the Fine Brothers and REACT channels!! Social Media: Snapchat Tomphelann