Channel: VERSE
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: slum lifehelping the poorliving on a railwaysurviving on one dollarurban povertyextreme survivalrailway slumextreme povertypoor peopleliving on one dollarslums in jakartapoverty slumhelp jakartaindonesia povertyliving in a slumgiving money to the poorpoverty jakartaone dollar a dayworst povertypovertyheartwarming storyliving on one dollar a daypoverty in jakartalife in a slum
Description: £905 / £5000 Raised so far! Today we invite you to donate directly to Mugi and give him the support he truly deserves. 100% of your donation will go to him and we'll film the difference your donation will make! Direct Donation: Full story: Just remember, even a small donation can make a massive difference to their lives when converted to their local currency. (It's like magic) With over 400,000 people living in slums across Jakarta, the railway slum is known as one of the most dangerous. Home to over 700 people who live in poverty, on the edge of one of the busiest railway lines in the capital. 52-year-old Mugianto has lived there for over 30 years. Earning 1 dollar a day from the community, he works to make sure every passerby crosses the dangerous railway tracks safely, regularly saving people from being hit by passing trains. Struggling to support his family, he wishes he could provide them a better life and a safer home Living in a room no bigger than the average bathroom, sleeping on the floor and with no access to running water. He shared with us his long-life dream to one day renovate his house or relocate away from the railway slum, a dream that he thinks will never be possible. We came across his story after visiting the railway slum recently. Surrounded by tall high rise apartments we saw him relentlessly working in the blistering heat, protecting all passerby's as over 100 trains past in one day. Not all heroes wear capes, with such care and dedication in helping others, he truly deserves some real help. If he reaches his goal of £5000, that would be the equivalent of 13 years of work for Mugi. An absolute life-changing sum that will be the biggest surprise of his life! Today, we invite you to surprise him with a new life that will last for years to come. Special thanks to Harti Jannah & Adinda Az Zahra for your relentless support.