Channel: Jayne
Category: Gaming
Tags: ashemccreeechooverwatch leagueplaystyletipsaggressive overwatchgenjiplaystyle overwatchpecojayne coaching dpsrankedjaynecoachingaggressiveguidevod reviewdps overwatchtikatee pecoclimbing overwatchtricksjayne overwatchclimbing rankedmechanics overwatchpeco overwatchguess my srdps coachingdallas fueloverwatchtikateetikatee overwatchcoachjayne coachingtop 500 genji
Description: This Gold DPS player wanted some coaching and in contrast to the last coaching session, this gold's aggressive playstyle is preventing them from climbing ranked in Overwatch. Jayne & Tikatee give a few tips and hopefully this student will gain some nice SR. đŽ đŹ đŹ Socials đŠ đ· 00:00 Intro 01:50 Vod Start 05:00 Mccree Coaching 15:00 Genji Coaching 24:00 Ult usage 31:13 Genji Tech 55:00 Aggression