Channel: World Unearthed
Category: Entertainment
Tags: world's most secure placesbizarretrainedhiddendataimpossibleseed vaultshroudedsecretsecureguardsheavily guarded placesworldserverscan't go tomysteriousguarded placesiron mountainprisonunusualunrealvaultcheyenne mountainon earthbunkerwikileaks serversforbiddenmr. robotstrangeheavily guardedhigh securitymostplacesjulian assangewikileaksimpenetrablerestrictednoradtruelocationsciaex-millitaryvatican churchhackedinternet
Description: From the depths of the Vatican, to Nuclear blast shelters, these are 10 of the Most Secure Places on Earth ! The United States Bullion Depository The main depository for gold bullion in the United States is located on the corner of Bullion Boulevard and Gold Vault Road… *crickets* Yes, seriously. This facility sports a state of the art (at least for 1935) 25 inch thick, 20 ton vault doors that can only be opened by a few people with separate combinations. Switch SuperNAP (NAP 7) What do DreamWorks,Ebay, Intel, Sony, and JP Morgan Chase have in common ? They all SWITCH as their primary source for data storage, telecommunications and cloud services. The name of their data centers is “Supernap”, and it has nothing to do with being tired. These facilities are huge, protected by armed guards, and surrounded by enough concrete to stop a tank. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Great ! Another bank on this list, how much gold are these guys protecting ? 6,350 tons, or about 508,000 gold bars… if you still aren’t getting it, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the largest depository of gold IN THE WORLD. The security of this place is above top notch, and the main attraction has to be the one and only entrance. It sports a 90 ton steel cylinder that is set within a 140 ton steel and concrete frame; and it is air and water tight when shut. Granite Mt. Mormon Church Records Facility Not too far from Salt Lake City, Utah, you can stumble upon the granite mt. Mormon Church Records Facility, the name pretty much says it all. The vault is located 600 feet deep inside the mountain, and it is used to store data on all members of the church, all dealings of the church, and in total, there is about 3 BILLION pages of family history records. Vatican Secret Archives When the name “Secret Archives” came about, it was used in a much different way than it is nowadays. It noted that whatever was in the vault was “private” more so than confidential. Regardless, many people have strong opinions about what the Vatican Church is hiding from the public. ADX Florence ADX stands for Administrative Maximum facility. In other words, you’re screwed. This fortress is a supermax prison in Colorado, and the thing that makes it so secure is not the fact that you can’t get in… but that you can’t get out. Sporting such notable inmates as Al-Queda operatives, the shoe bomber guy, the underwear bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Ted Kaczynski, and last but not least, Thomas Silverstein. Not even El Chapo would be able to hustle his out of here. From the depths of the Vatican, to Nuclear blast shelters, these are 10 of the Most Secure Places on Earth ! 8.The United States Bullion Depository The main depository for gold bullion in the United States is located on the corner of Bullion Boulevard and Gold Vault Road… *crickets* Yes, seriously. This facility sports a state of the art (at least for 1935) 25 inch thick, 20 ton vault doors that can only be opened by a few people with separate combinations. 7.Switch SuperNAP (NAP 7) What do DreamWorks,Ebay, Intel, Sony, and JP Morgan Chase have in common ? They all SWITCH as their primary source for data storage, telecommunications and cloud services. The name of their data centers is “Supernap”, and it has nothing to do with being tired. These facilities are huge, protected by armed guards, and surrounded by enough concrete to stop a tank. 6.Federal Reserve Bank of New York Great ! Another bank on this list, how much gold are these guys protecting ? 6,350 tons, or about 508,000 gold bars… if you still aren’t getting it, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the largest depository of gold IN THE WORLD. The security of this place is above top notch, and the main attraction has to be the one and only entrance. It sports a 90 ton steel cylinder that is set within a 140 ton steel and concrete frame; and it is air and water tight when shut. 5.Granite Mt. Mormon Church Records Facility Not too far from Salt Lake City, Utah, you can stumble upon the granite mt. Mormon Church Records Facility, the name pretty much says it all. The vault is located 600 feet deep inside the mountain, and it is used to store data on all members of the church, all dealings of the church, and in total, there is about 3 BILLION pages of family history records. 4.Vatican Secret Archives When the name “Secret Archives” came about, it was used in a much different way than it is nowadays. It noted that whatever was in the vault was “private” more so than confidential. Regardless, many people have strong opinions about what the Vatican Church is hiding from the public. 1.ADX Florence ADX stands for Administrative Maximum facility. In other words, you’re screwed. Not even El Chapo would be able to hustle his out of here.