Channel: undialed
Category: Entertainment
Tags: new diy fingerboard parklindleyobstaclesblackriverhow to maketech deck skatepark3d printer3d printingfingerboarding3d printing ideasfingerboard skatepark3dshreddingfull advantage of this printerdiytodayundialedinsane3d printwhitetrashwillydavidsjonesjohn hillcashionhomemademike schnider3d printed housewillflatfacekelsey fingerboardsskateparkfingerboarddavid jonesclaytonprintedbest 3d printertech deckberlinwoodskateboarding
Description: Today we bring you the first round of 3d printed obstacles on Undialed! This is the first test before we really take full advantage of this printer for the new DIY fingerboard park we have been working on at AZG skatepark in Mesa Arizona. $5 shirts are available at _____________________________________________ PO BOX- 2820 S. Alma School Rd, Ste 18 #163 Chandler AZ, 85286 _________________________________________________________________ Check out our Social Media Podcast: Instagram: @Undialed @UndialedFB @UndialedFails @ClaytonLindley @WhiteTrashWilly Twitter- @UndialedTv Facebook- Undialedtv