Channel: Adanna Madueke
Category: Film & Animation
Description: I Had to Cut my 4C Natural Hair on my First Salon Visit | THE WORST ENDS EVER! The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Hey loves, So, today I will be taking y'all through my first ever Natural Hair Salon Visit where I cut my natural hair and gave myself a well needed hair trim for the health of my 4c natural hair as at this point, I have had the worst ends ever. This is also my first ever Natural Hair Salon Visit ever and what I loved most about it was that I was able to achieve a hair trim / hair cut with no silk press as in no heat at all on my 4c natural hair (y'all know how I freak out on heat damage lol).! Hope you Enjoy coming along for this mini big chop boo! :) First attempt at doing Twist out on my thin 4c natural hair (this was after the hair trim): For business inquires, please email Subscribe here for free: P.S: Learning is one step at a time. If you don't get it now, you will get it tomorrow as long as you keep practicing with patience. Keep trying... and you will get perfect at it ❤ Social links Instagram: @adannamadueke -Snapchat (genny_dan97) Twitter madueke_adanna FAQ: What camera do I use: Canon 5d Mark iv FTC: This video is sponsored by Skillshare. However, all opinions are mine You are awesome for reading up till this point and I hope you have a beautiful and lovely day! Don't forget to join the family by subscribing! Love you😍..