Channel: Dave Wave
Category: Music
Tags: electro swing collectionsim gretina i wanna be like youjungle bookelectro swing pianoi wanna be like youdisney electro swing remixelectro swingsim gretinadave waveelectro swing songi wanna be like you electro swingelectro swing i wanna be like youwhat is electro swingelectro swing playlistelectro swing remixdave wave electro swingi wanna be like you remixsim gretina electro swingdisney electro swingsim gretina remix
Description: New Electro Swing Remix :) This time is "I Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book released in 1967. Since many of you asked for we go! Oobee doo :) 🎵 Davide ▶ Enroll into the "MAKING MUSIC FROM SCRATCH" Online Course and Take Your Music To The Next Level → ▶ DOWNLOAD this and other Electro Swing Remixes for FREE! → ▶ SUBSCRIBE: if you like what you see, subscribe! → ▶ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: → ▶ FOLLOW ME ON SPOTIFY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ▶ LISTEN TO MY MUSIC: listen to other Electro Swing remixes with this playlist → ▶ LEARN ABOUT MUSIC: learn more about music with the “What’s..? In 2 minutes” playlist → ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ▶ FEEL FREE TO SUPPORT ME: please support me on Patreon to help me create more and better things: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #electroswing #electroswingremix -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please feel free to watch my latest video: "[Electro Swing Remix] What Will Santa Claus Say (Christmas Dance Remix 2019)": -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-