Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: concreterocks spallingthe backyard scientistaluminumrock spall firealuminum vs concretecement in firecement break heatbackyard scientistrocksaluminum vs cementconcrete spallconcrete spallingfirethebackyardscientistrocks break firerocks in fireconcrete in fireconcrete break heatspallcement spallaluminum on concreterocks explodecementaluminum in wet moldspallingscienceconcrete explodealuminiumwet moldcement spalling
Description: Join the science discord! Ever heard of rocks exploding in a campfire? Can it really happen, and how dangerous is it? What happens if you spill molten metal on concrete? Today we will look at how and why concrete and rocks spall during a fire. Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -