Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: laboratory glasswareboric acidfactoryin realitytest tubeground glass jointsboraxmadebatchheat resistant glassthoisoi channelborosilicateculletblast furnacemanufacturingglassblowerglass chemistryindustrial chemistryglass factorylaboratory flaskquartz sand
Description: Best Patrons: Stan Presolski, reinforcedconcrete, Dean Bailey, Bob Drucker, Pradeep Sekar, Applied Science, Purple Pill, afreeflyingsoul. Thank you guys! Patreon: Our merch store: Facebook: Instagram: Hi, everyone! In this video you will learn how to make the most durable glass in the world, which can withstand not only sudden changes in temperature, but also concentrated acid and alkali media.