Channel: Marley
Category: Gaming
Tags: shadow legacyone taprainbow six siegeacewafflersrainbow six siege championupdatemarleyoperatorrainbow six siege gameplayrainbow six siege cheaterzeroeliteheadshotbest ofcasualscoperainbow six siege funny momentsnerfrankedcopperrainbow six siege one tapnew skinnew seasonrainbow six trollingalpha packrainbow six siege shadow legacysiegerainbow six memes2020funtagedropshotfailhackermp7sam fisherbuffrainbow six siege hacks
Description: Hitting one taps is one of the most satisfying feelings in Rainbow Six Siege. So how about an entire one tap video? - MERCH WEBSITE - - Follow me - Twitter - Twitch - Instagram - - Sub to the other wafflers - Dom - Custard - Dils - - Check out the editor - Razencro - - Thumbnail character artist - Japse - This is another serving of fresh waffle, including me, Dom, Custard and the other wafflers. Instead of the champion plays, aces, clutches, and wallbangs that you would usually see on the Marley channel in videos like "I am the ultimate player in Rainbow Six Siege", this video consists only of one taps and headshots. Not the usual Siege funny moment video, where I'm baiting Dom or Custard, this is just all about the BEANS. And Operation Shadow Legacy is going to be full of them! Also... Alpha pack video, and more challenge videos soon :)